About me

Hi there! I am currently applying for graduate schools in 24fall :)

You can find my CV here.

My research interests:

  • Computer Graphics: Animations, Particle-based Simulations, Real-time Rendering
  • Robotics: Motion Planning
  • HCI: Emotion Recognition, Brain Computer Interfaces

I hope to innovate the next-generation of entertainment and virtual experiences and build a sophisticated and emotionally resonant virtual world in which people can connect and resonate.

I was a game developer of PUBGM at Tencent for two years. I graduated from the University of Richmond with a double major in Psychology and Computer Science in 2021. I was fortunate to work with Dr.Denny in my college.

In my spare time, I love dancing💃, traveling🗺️, animals🐕🐈.

Fun fact: I have two cats. Yet, I declare as a dog person :)

Meet Mini and BuBu ~


Crawford, L. E., Knouse, L. E., Kent, M., Vavra, D., Harding, O., LeServe, D., Fox, N., Hu, X., Li, P., Glory, C., & Lambert, K. G. (2020). Enriched environment exposure accelerates rodent driving skills. Behavioural Brain Research, 378, Article 112309. Jan 2020.